Survey Master was a semester-long project completed for a software engineering class I took as an undergraduate student at UMass Amherst. Working in a team of ten, students completed a project to the specifications outlined by a customer company. Our company was Ultimate Software, a Human Capital Management company headquartered in Florida. Survey Master was an online system built with Django and PostgreSQL which allowed managers to make and send surveys to employees. Employees could then complete the surveys anonymously and managers could review results of the current survey and long-term survey trends.
My work focused initially on setting up the database in PostgreSQL. Once set up and running, I transitioned to the backend team where I worked in Django, a Python web framework, to ensure that the system interacted with the database correctly. This project was my first major team project, and exposed me to Agile and scrum workflow environments. Furthermore, I was able to learn Django more in depth. It was also the first time I had used a database system, and so working on the database team was in incredible learning opportunity.