What I've Been Reading

Last updated: June 24, 2021

I definitely have a strange relationship with books. I like reading, don't get me wrong, but I am a slow reader and very eager book-buyer. This recently became alarmingly apparent when I moved out of my college apartment at the end of May. I had a full book shelf of unread books, which filled up a large plastic tote. And this was only half of the books I had! I have another even larger tote back at my mother's house. Seeing the "brunt" of this, I've decided to try to read more and buy less in 2021 -- if only to save some space!

The books I have cover a wide range of genres and subject matter: from non-fiction books about machine learning to classics from the 19th century, I feel as though I have a book for every occasion! This seems both intimidating and exciting, since I have so much to choose from, but also I feel like I'll be able to learn a lot more about myself. So I've decided to share this journey and let you know what I've read and what I think as I go through the process of freeing up space for new books and learning more about what I love to read most.

What I'm currently reading

What I've read this year